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Workforce Assessment



A thorough, easy to use report as to the exact physical demands of each job position.  It outlines the prospective areas and level of harm/risk the activity poses along with strategies to contain and then reduce the harm/risk.

Current industry-standard Job studies do not provide specific detail about the postural & soft tissue injury risk (near & long term) that the job will provoke or the resulting cost to care for such injuries.


Typical Job studies done by therapy companies, etc also do not identify adaptive ergonomic strategies that can be implemented to offset the risk, reduce claims and add years to an employee's productive employment.


Aegis identifies exact physical demands of your jobs using sophisticated measurement tools including, but not limited to MARK 10 Series 5 digital force & torque gauge, and HD digital photo & video technology. 

Aegis uses this data to identify the type and severity of potential soft tissue injuries and then develops unique solutions to lower risk, reduce costs and maintain workforce productivity.   Adaptive Ergonomic Strategies, Post Job Offer testing criteria and post-injury return to work are all derivatives of the Aegis Risk assessment.  

Standard programs may include:

  • ­   Work-site warm-up exercises specifically designed to eliminate that job’s risk

  • ­   Post job-offer evaluations that are substantive & at the same time enhance the onboarding process

  • ­   Periodic employer training and ownership seminars

  • ­   Post-injury soft tissue management and return to work

  • ­   Post-injury return to work training


The Job Analysis & Risk Assessment can be provided as an independent project (as presented here) or it can work in tandem with a workforce assessment and/or the comprehensive preventative care initiative, as it allows an employer to gauge their risk and potential costs against potential value.

Workforce Assessment clarifies how the health, dexterity and mobility (and prospective trends of those value points) of your workforce impacts your risk.  Preventative care initiatives take the Job Analysis and Workforce Assessment and present a managed program for improved health with a prioritization of those identified as high or higher risk.   



  1. Consultation with employer and safety staff to identify jobs that pose Risk

  2. Plan development & consensus, and coordination (scheduling)

  3. Job Analysis and Data Gathering

  4. Data assessment, report compilation, and recommendations

  5. Team Review

  6. Final Report Delivery

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